A Non Profit Corporation Registered in New York
Tax ID Number 26-2542466

2024 Membership & Donations

Printable Form

We are delighted that you have decided to support Shruti Laya. Your membership, and generous donations, will help Shruti Laya fulfill its mission of bringing beautiful music to our area. In addition, membership is a great value as it entitles you to FREE admission to FIVE Featured concerts every year at a significant saving off the ticket value.

Please fill up the following short form. If you are only making a donation at this time, please click the "Donation Only" box. Only the email field is mandatory, but we would like to get to know our supporters better. So please fill in the requested details. All information will be kept confidential, and Shruti Laya will never share or sell your personal information.

Please remember to click after filling out the page. You will then be taken to the Payment page, where you can complete the transaction. Preferred payment method is by Zelle transfer or paper check, and you can also use Paypal.

Questions or comments about this form, please send email to sreenadh@shrutilaya.org

  1. Annual Membership dues are for one Calendar Year (January through December)
  2. If you are renewing, and there is no change in any of your details, you may fill in just the email address and the total amount

Member & Spouse (For Family Membership)
Donation Only
Additional Adults in household
Contact Information

Email Address:    Tel.No:   
Street: City: State: Zip:
Optional Additional Donation (Please give generously!)
Challenge Word

We hate spammers, but they love us for some reason :(
Please enter the name of the instrument at the left
(five letters, all lowercase) so we know you are a
human who is really interested in Shruti Laya!

Your total due is $ Please click to proceed